Here’s the voicemail I left when I sold into HR:

“Hi Lisa, My name is Josh Braun. We’ve never spoken, but we’re working with Melissa Davis, the Director of Benefits at Comcast, to reach employees who aren’t in front of a computer all day during open enrollment. Since you have deskless employees, I thought you might be open to learning more. I’ll send you an email so you can decide if it’s worth exploring.”

This is for a benefits communication product but you can easily customize it for your product or service.

I found that when I used voicemail to promote my cold email, there was an uptick in response rate.

My cold email subject line was “voicemail.”

One big caveat. 

The message matters.

You need to illuminate a meaningfully different idea related to a problem or opportunity your prospects don’t know about.

What do your prospects want but don't have?