Cold calling doesn’t suck.

When you say something sucks, you charge yourself with negative energy which makes you feel negative.

Say and think cold calling sucks, and you will dread cold calling.

There’s a popular neuroscience phrase that describes this: “neurons that fire together, wire together.”

Same thoughts.
Same feelings.

Cold calling just is.

The nature of cold calling is:
People who are open to talking with you.
Getting a referral.
Booking a meeting.
Dialing with no answers.
Wrong numbers.
Rude people.
People who agree to a meeting and don’t show.

Charge your energy to be positive.


  1. Instead of focusing on the outcome, be curious about what you might learn from the process.

  2. Focus only on what you control. Ask a question about a potential problem and then let what happens happen without expecting anything to happen. “Josh, I know your LinkedIn posts drive sales of your courses. How are you reaching reps that don’t see your posts?”

  3. Be grateful. There are millions of people who would consider their prayers answered if they could cold call. Or to even to read this book.

Cold calling doesn’t suck, it’s a privilege.

Different thoughts.
Different feelings.