Casual cold email writing kicks formal writing’s ass.

Formal writing sounds like this:

“Hello Josh - We are currently collaborating with a sales trainer who conducts 23 Sales Kickoff Meetings (SKOs) annually. He has integrated AI-driven role-play scenarios using his proprietary materials to offer sales representatives realistic practice opportunities. This innovative approach enables him to charge a recurring fee for his services. I thought you might find this interesting.”

Casual writing sounds like this:

“Josh, we’re working with a sales trainer who does 23 SKOs/year. He’s using AI to role-play scenarios (with his material) to provide reps with realistic practice opportunities, allowing him to charge a recurring fee. Since you do SKOs, thought you might be open to learning more.”

Why does this matter?

Casual language feels more personal and conversational, making it easier for people to relate to your message.

Formal writing comes across as stiff and impersonal.