This is going to be a tough pill to swallow, so buckle up.

I don’t care how big the opportunity is; don’t chase prospects who have three strikes. A prospect gets a strike if they cancel a meeting.

“Sorry, Josh, I need to cancel our meeting.”
Strike 1.

“Josh, can we push our meeting?”
Strike 2.

“Josh, I can’t meet today.”
Strike 3.

When a prospect gets three strikes, they’re out.

I send an email that says, “John, I might be misreading, but it seems like the timing is off for the project.”

Then I move on.

If you don’t hear back, it’s a gift. You now have more time to start conversations with people who are motivated to talk with you.

Don't play catch with people who keep all the balls.

It takes two people to make a sale.

Invest in prospects who invest in you.