The word “value” gets thrown around in sales so much.

It’s like the “I love you” of the sales world—sure, it sounds nice, but if you’re saying it to everyone, it starts to feel a little… insincere.

Imagine someone handing you a box and saying, “This is valuable!” but not telling you what’s inside.

You’d be like, “Uh, cool… but what is it? Diamonds or dog treats?”

The thing is, value is different for everyone.

What’s valuable to one person might be useless to someone else.

If you keep saying “value,” it’s kind of like saying “trust me” while winking. Nobody’s buying it.

So, what’s the way out?

Give people something genuinely useful that makes their life better. (Spoiler alert: case don’t do that.)

Here’s an example of providing real “value”:

“Josh, since you’re new to fly fishing, I thought this video series on using the pinch technique when tying knots might be helpful. It’s useful for maintaining tension and precision so that knots form correctly without slipping or becoming loose.”

When you show people something that’s useful, you’re not just talking about value—you’re delivering it