I’m watching surfers in Bolinas, California.

Surfers don’t care if they wipe out. They don’t feel “rejected” by a wave. Wiping out is the nature of surfing.

When surfers wipe out, they paddle out, wait for a wave, and begin again.

Surfers don’t judge waves. Surfers don’t have expectations. Surfers aren’t attached to the outcome.

Some waves last longer than others. Big and small waves are part of the same experience.

Surfing just is.

It’s the same with selling.

Some conversations last a long time and turn into business. Some fizzle out.

“Good” and “bad” conversations are part of the same experience.

Paddle out (identify prospects). Wait for the wave (reach out). Surf (have a conversation).

“Waves” come and go all the time.

Accept each “wave” or conversation without judgment.

Let go of expectations. Detach from the outcome.

Hang loose.

Adopt a surfer’s mind.