It’s inevitable.

Sooner or later, you’ll be at a conference or networking event.

And that means you’ll need to approach prospects.

How do you strike up conversations with prospects without it feeling awkward?

Pop quiz:

Imagine a cocktail party.

Whose approach feels less awkward?

Matt or Mandy?

Here’s Matt: “Hi, I’m Matt. How about those Olympics? I can’t believe how fast humans can run 100 meters. Did you see Gabby Thomas? Crazy, right?”

Here’s Mandy: “Hi, I’m Mandy. I’d like to have a conversation with you, but I’m not sure how to start because I don’t know anything about you.”

You know the answer.

You don’t have to be confident and suave when approaching prospects at networking events.

The more you acknowledge the awkwardness, the less awkward the conversation is.