This is my 1 page doc I send to new clients to clarify our agreement.

I will:

Run a 3 hour workshop covering:
-Why prospects are afraid of you.
-The 5 keys to lowering resistance.
-Selecting the best fit prospects.
-Clarifying your message.
-The spoken word (cold calling)
-The written word (cold emailing)
-A 60-minute post-workshop Zoom call to provide feedback on cold emails.

Payment is required prior to (date).

Here’s what's next:

You sign this document.
You depost in full via AHC wire, credit card, or check the amount of $X.
I show up on {date} at {location}.

This workshop will not help reps get better. Just like a 3 hour workout won’t make you fit. Practice over time with coaching will.

Manager buy-in, practice, and coaching is your job . Teaching, providing feedback, and answering questions is my job.

Looking forward to helping your team start more conversations with your ideal prospects.

Josh Braun
