This one stung.

I had a signed agreement for 65k.

Then was told they didn’t want to proceed.

I was irritated.

Here’s what went through my mind: “What did I do wrong?”“What could I have done differently?”

I felt a loss of something I thought I had gained.

My happiness was attached to the sale.
It was “my sale.”

The problem is the word “my."

It's not "my" sale.
The sale doesn't belong to me.
The sale isn't owed to me.

Clinging to positive experiences or rejecting negative ones causes turmoil.

Gain and loss in sales and in life are inevitable.

In Buddhism, it’s one of the Eight Worldly Concerns.

Gain - Got a sale (Happy.)Loss - Lost a sale (Restless.)

Gain - Booked 5 meetings in a week. (Happy.)Loss - Booked 0 meetings the following week. (Anxious.)

Gain - Got a bonus. (Happy.)Loss - Lost money doing a home renovation project. (Upset.)

Here’s the reality of sales: You can do everything right and still lose a sale.

Gain and loss are part of the same experience.

When you lose a sale, chances are you didn’t do anything wrong.You can’t lose a sale you never had.

Remember in sales and in life: Anything can change at any time.(There’s power and confidence in accepting that.)

Training your mind to move in harmony with the nature of sales (and life) is the path to equanimity.

With practice, you pay less attention to the “gain” or “loss” and accept the ebb and flow of life.

Simple, but not easy :-)