Right now

focus more on what you can control and less on what you don’t control.

salespeople love control. we try to make sales happen in a predictable way, on our timeline.

but sales (and life) is uncertain. there is very little that is in your full control. 

you don’t control how people respond to you message. you don’t control when or if people buy. 

convincing people to do what you want them to do is a receipt for being disappointed and unhappy. 

the way out? 



practice observing your thoughts without judgement.

For example, here’s a thought I observed while I was riding my bike:“Oh that’s interesting how Josh is worried about getting hit by a car while riding his bike.”

when you observe your thoughts you’re not lost in your thoughts.you’ll notice that thoughts are like waves, they come and go. 

you’ll notice that you don’t control your thoughts. you only control how you respond to them. 

Let it go right now. There’s nothing to fix right now. There’s no problem right now. 

Resist nothing.It’s madness to resist what is.

Being able to regulate yourself is a superpower. 

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.” – Alan Watts
