Marty’s been fly fishing three months a year for 50 years.

This year he took me with him.

While changing a fly, the wind kicked up, and the barbed hook got lodged in his thumb.

When he showed me, I said, “Holy sh*t, it’s stuck deep! What if you can’t get it out? What if it gets infected? Should we go to the hospital? I’m freaking out!”

Marty said in a calm voice, “It happens.”

“The nature of fly fishing is that sometimes hooks get stuck in your skin.”

It’s the same with selling.

You can do everything right, have 50 years of experience, and still lose a sale.

The nature of sales is being ghosted, people not doing what they said they’d do, increased quotas, and getting hung up on.

You will never be disturbed for long if you remember to move in harmony with the nature of the action.

“It happens.”