Selling isn't like wrestling.

It's not your job to pin people down so you can convince them to buy.

Nobody wants to be convinced.

I'll prove it to you.

Have you ever changed your mind because someone told you to?

Do you think your prospects are different that you are?

Autonomy is a basic human need.

Selling is more akin to a smooth ballroom waltz.

You're leading without stepping on any toes.

You're asking neutral questions that shine a light on a potential problem or opportunity without leading people to a desired answer.

You're the arbiter of unbiased information.

You're enabling people to make decisions for themselves.

Some people will be open to talking and continuing the conversation.
Some people won't.
It's okay either way.
If someone want doesn't want to "dance" with you, find another partner There are so many "dance partners.”

Without a partner, there is no dance.

Here's an example of what it looks like to lead a "dance."

This is for a product called ZBiotics, but you can easily apply the underlying psychology to your product or service.