Here’s something I believed to be true until I was 42:

“You need to wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming to avoid cramps and potential drowning.”

This belief has been widely circulated, but there is no scientific evidence to support it.

Sources that debunk this myth include:

The American Red Cross: Their swimming and water safety guidelines do not include any recommendations about waiting to swim after eating.

Mayo Clinic: Experts at the Mayo Clinic have clarified that while it might feel uncomfortable to swim immediately after eating, it does not significantly increase the risk of drowning.

Why am I talking about this?

No matter what you sell, people are getting the job done when you reach out. 

Educating customers about common misconceptions related to how they’re currently getting the job done loosens their grip on the status quo.

I’ll give you an example.

Several years ago, I got an email from Adam’s Polishes that said this:

“How do you know your wash mitt won’t scratch your car?”

That question made me subconsciously think, “Hmm, I’m not sure.”

Turns out, when you wash your car with a bucket and sponge, dirt and grit can get trapped in the sponge and scratch your car.

With a grit guard, dirt and grit settle to the bottom of the bucket and off your car, so you avoid scratching your paint.


What terrible, not good, very bad thing happens if your prospects keep using their current solution?