Discovery call ends.

Prospect: “Thanks. Have a great day.”
Seller: “You too.”

The next day . . . (Crickets)
1 week later . . . (Crickets)
3 weeks later . . . (Crickets)

Seller: “Josh, I had a discovery call three weeks ago and I haven’t heard back. How do I follow up without being pushy?”

Me: “Don’t follow up. Follow through.

Seller: “What do you mean?”

Me: “When did they say they were going to make a decision?”

Seller: “Um, I didn’t ask.”

Me: “Remember to ask when the prospect plans to make a decision. Here’s how I ask: “Your sales kickoff is on September 25th. If I’m not overstepping, when are you looking to make a decision on who to bring in?” 

Then I can follow through on that date with grace. “Seems like you chose another speaker which is not a problem at all. I know you have a lot of choices, so thanks for considering me.” 

Seller: “That makes sense. But what if I didn’t do that?”

Me: “Send an email asking for feedback. Like this: “Hey Kim, it seems you’ve chosen another speaker for your SKO. Here’s my ask, and I know it’s a big ask because you don’t owe me a response: Would you be open to sharing some feedback so I can better serve you should a need arise in the future? Was it my receding hairline? Either way, I know you have your choice of speakers, so thanks for considering me.’”
Then detach. 

You don’t control if or when people respond so focusing on the outcome is madness :-) Seller: “Thanks, Josh.”

Me: “Anytime. You got this :-)”