I’m Bored

I’m at a spectacular Airbnb in Bolinas, CA.

I’m bored.

So I asked the owner, Nancy, for recommendations of things to do.

I was expecting hikes, restaurants, farmers’ markets, events, activities.

Here’s Nancy:

“There is a bench outside by the edge of the fence on the ocean side by the big cypress. It’s nice to just sit there and watch the surfers and the birds.”

It’s a good reminder.

Boredom can be uncomfortable.

We want to do something to avoid the feeling of doing nothing.

Whenever I see people waiting in line at Starbucks, they’re scrolling on their phones.

It’s easier now than ever to avoid being bored. Infinitely scrolling on social media. Endless hours of entertainment on Netflix & Spotify.

When we rely on tech to avoid feeling bored, we undermine our sense of self as the authors of our own lives.

If you can’t put down your phone, you don’t have a phone, the phone has you.

Nancy taught me:

You don’t need to constantly seek activities to occupy yourself.

By simply sitting and observing the “surfers and birds,” you can rewire your brain to find joy and peace in the everyday.

Be empty. Be still. Just notice things coming and going.

Getting better at being bored is an undervalued skill.

I’m definelty under construction in this area.

Are you?