I'm shocked by how few salespeople do this.

The cost? $0.00.

It’s asking prospects who ghosted you for feedback.

Here's how to ask for feedback:

  1. Create a list of prospects who have ghosted you (people who expressed interest but didn't show for a meeting).

  2. Send this email:

"Hi Beth, It looks like you’ve decided not to proceed with the cold call workshop. Perhaps I dropped the ball somewhere along the way.

Here’s my ask (and I know it’s an ask because you don't owe me a response.)

Would you be open to providing feedback so I can serve you better should a need arise in the future? Was it my terms? Price? Did you find someone else who was taller?

Either way, I know there are lots of people competing for your time and resources, so thanks for taking the time to look at my workshop.”

Why this works:

When you let go of the sale, prospects lower their guard and tell you the truth because they don't feel pressured.