I drove my first 911 in 1978. 

I was 8.

My father had just bought his first Porsche from Cherry Hill Porsche in Jersey. 

He paid cash — they counted the bills on the desk. 

It was such a significant moment in his life that he brought champagne and cheese to celebrate the occasion.

He also brought me. 

We drove home together. My dad put his hand over mine so I could feel what it was like to shift. 

At a red light, he asked if I wanted to steer. I climbed onto his lap and put two hands on the wheel. I'll never forget that moment.

It wasn't the car itself that made the moment special for me. I had no idea what a 911 was. 

It was the shared experience and the connection between father and son. 

It's good reminder. 

Happiness comes from within.

From our relationships with others.
Not from external achievements or possessions.