If I could only give one piece of advice to salespeople, this would be it.

It’s three words.

“It just is.”

If you have a kid, see if this sounds familiar:

Parent: “Try the broccoli.”
Kid: “I don’t like broccoli.”
Parent: “But you’ve never tried broccoli.”
Kid: “I don’t like it.”

You could have the best broccoli in the world, but some kids don’t like broccoli.

Some kids hate broccoli, some don’t.

It just is.

It’s the same with selling.

You can do everything right and still:

Lose a sale.
Miss quota (aka a guess).
Get ghosted.

When you push up against reality you suffer.

Whenever you’re disappointed selling, remember to move in harmony with the nature of sales.

You can’t lose a sale you never had.

Let reality be reality.

It just is.