Jenna bought a swan raft for the pool.

I hated it.

I thought is was an eyesore.

Guess what happened when I had that thought?

I got angry at the raft.
I complained to my friends.
I told Jenna is was too big and ugly.

That’s what happens when you add fuel to negative thoughts.

The fire grows bigger.
You get even more agitated.

Forunately, I’ve been practicing mindfullness.

23 hours later I dropped back.

I became aware of my thoughts rather than becoming my thoughts.

Once I became aware of my thoughts I asked this quesiton:

“Who is this person telling me the raft is an eyesore?”

I could find them :-).

That’s because the ego is an illusion.

The raft isn’t an eyesore.
That’s a label. A story my ego made up.

The raft just is. It’s a piece of plastic floating in the pool.

Our perceptions, not external events, disturb us.

Whenever I’m able observe my thoughts I turn down the volume. I feel calm and peaceful.

The opposite is also true.

I’m definelty a work in progress in this area.

Are you?