Why are some salespeople so pushy?

They’re attached to the outcome.

Here’s why:

When you’re attached to the sale, you behave in ways that feel pushy.

You say things like:
“I’m just checking in.”
“Did you read the proposal?”

Your intent affects how you behave.

There’s a popular neuroscience phrase that describes this, “Neurons that fire together wire together.”

Same intent.
Same behavior.

Here’s the truth:

Buying takes longer than you anticipate. It’s gradual, then fast at the end.

Selling requires patience.

Like fruit ripening on a tree.

Fruit doesn’t ripen faster because it’s the end of the quarter.

When people aren’t ready to switch, instead of pushing harder, provide water and sunlight so you stay top of mind.

Someone hired me last week for an SKO who has been following and sharing my posts for three years.

I’ve been following up for three years without chasing, pushing, or convincing.

When they came back, the sale closed in one day.

Gradual, then fast at the end.

Ironically, the less you’re attached to the sale, the more sales you make.
People buy on their timeline and for their reasons, not yours.

Different intent.
Different behavior.