Popular sales advice I disagree with:
“No is not yet.”
Imagine this scenario:
You sell grass-fed beef.
You call a prospect.
You pitch.
The prospect says, “No thanks, I’m a vegan.”
What do you say?
I posted this scenario on LinkedIn.
421 salespeople weighed in.
87% of salespeople treated “No thanks, I’m a vegan” as an objection rather than a truth.
When you treat truths like objections, you say things like this:
“I understand how you feel. Many vegans felt the same way. But what they found is that our beef was grass-fed, so they gave it a try.”
Intent matters.
When your intent is that no means not yet, you behave in ways that feel pushy because you assume you’re a fit for everyone.
The way out?
Let go of assumptions, like this: “Cool. Sounds like we’re not a fit.”
It’s not your job to talk vegans into buying meat.
Your beef is for some people, but it’s not for everyone.
There are so many people who aren’t vegans.
Call them.