I asked a salesperson for the price.

I was taken back by their response: 

“Let’s hold off on that until I learn more about your situation and show you the demo. I want you to see the value first.”

The problem?

I can’t determine value without price.  Salespeople don’t determine value, buyers do. 

When you hold price hostage you destroy trust. Why? Prospects think you’re hiding something.

So if a prospect asks for the price, tell them the price, even if it’s a range. 

Like this:

Prospect: “What’s the price?”
Salesperson: “There are a few variables but typically companies invest between X and Y. Can you see yourself falling in that range?”

Then shut the front door. 

If your prospect doesn’t bring up the price bring it up early. Like this:

“I don't want to do you a disservice by wasting your time doing a demo, only for us to realize that although you like what you see we’re not fit because we’re too expensive. So based on what you told me so far, would it be okay if I ran some numbers by you?”

Price conveys certainty. 

The shift?

Hold price hostage —> Set price free