Your prospect’s inbox is crowded.

Your prospects are receiving an avalanche emails every day that sound the same.

If a prospect doesn’t read your message and think, “Hell yeah, that’s what I need,” they think “No” and move on.

How do you get your prospects to think, “Hell yeah?”

Don’t be vague.
Be specific or “crispy.”

“Ever wish you had B2B leads?”
Prospect: “No.”

Still vague:
“Ever wish you had B2B SaaS leads?”
Prospect: “No.”

“Ever wish you had validated email addresses and direct phone numbers for Directors of Business with at least 15 SDRs who are in the market for cold calling training?”

Prospect: “Hell yeah!”

When you’re crispy people are likely to relate to your message.


As legendary copywriter Robert Collier say, you’re joining the conversation already taking place in their mind,

Do your cold emails make prospects say “Hell yeah” or “No”?