Your price isn’t too high, even if prospects tell you it is.


Several months ago, I asked two general contractors (Chris and Peter) to bid on a home renovation project.

I clicked with Chris.
He was responsive.
He listened intently when I spoke.
He never interrupted.
He pointed out pitfalls I didn’t know about.
He made recommendations that aligned with what he heard.
He showed up at 9:55 for a 10:00 meeting.

Chris was 8% more than Peter.

Both were competent, but the 8% was worth the good feelings I had about Chris, so I hired him. I didn’t negotiate.

I told Peter I hired Chris.

When he asked why, my reflex response was, “Your price was too high.”

If Peter was 25% less, I might have gone with him, but that wasn’t the case.

I didn’t want to explain why I chose Chris because he was a better listener, so price was the easy button to say no.

The lesson?

In a world of similar products and services, you are the differentiator.

Focus on your listening skills, not your price.