Many years ago I spoke with two salespeople, who both missed quota.

When asked what happened, one said, “It wasn’t my fault; my territory change and I didn’t have as many leads.”

The other responded, “I missed because I didn’t prospect as much over the phone. I rellied too much on cold emailing instead of cold calling.”

Both faced the same situation, yet their responses differed significantly.

The first saw only blame—external factors that were out of their control.

The second took responsibility, acknowledging what they could have done differently.

It made me realize: blame and responsibility often share the same events, but it’s our perspective that defines them.

Blame looks outward, deflecting, while responsibility looks inward, seeking growth.

Pros don’t blame; they take responsibility because it empowers them to change and improve.

Blame or responsibility?
It's a choice.
Choose wisely.