My neighbor Sam asked if I wanted to grab lunch.

I didn’t want to go.

But I also didn’t want to hurt Sam’s feelings.

So, I told a white lie:“I can’t. I’m working on a big presentation.”

What does this have to do with sales?

Prospects (aka humans) often try to avoid uncomfortable situations or conflicts, especially in social settings.

By telling a white lie, prospects sidestep the discomfort of potentially disappointing you or having an awkward conversation about their true feelings.

The solution?Call out the elephant in the room. Like this:

Sam: “I’m getting the feeling that you don’t like going out for lunch.”

Sales examples:

“I’m getting the feeling this might not be the right fit for you.”

“It seems like there might be some hesitation about moving forward.”

“Won’t there be internal pushback from your CFO?”

“It seems like this might not be a priority for you.”

“It feels like you might be concerned about implementation.”

Why does this matter?

By calling out the elephants, you create a safe space for an honest conversation, making it easier for people to express their real concerns.

Just because you don’t call out the elephants in the room doesn’t mean they’re not there.

No truth, no trust. No trust, no transaction.