16 ways to add fuel to discovery calls.

  1. Be able to clearly and concisely explain to others what you do. Like this: “With Calendly, you paste a link into your email and schedule meetings without going back and forth to find the perfect time.”

  2. Understand how people are currently getting the job done. “Would it be okay if I asked you some questions about how you wash your car?”

  3. Ask a questions that make people think differently about their current solution. “Sometimes dirt and grit can settle to the bottom of the bucket and get trapped in your sponge, which can scratch your car. How are you making sure that doesn’t happen when you wash your car?”

  4. Let your natural curious self come out when talking with prospects, not a sales robot with an agenda.

  5. Seek the opinion of others. “Sounds like reps think the phone is a cactus. What’s your theory on why that is?”

  6. Find ways to stay top of mind when people aren’t ready to buy. This post is an example.

  7. Look for signs of confusion, boredom, or lack of interest and call it out. “Seems like I confused you.”

  8. Prepare ahead of time for the conversation. Scan their LinkedIn profile. Read up on the product, why people switched, and the types of people they sell to.

  9. Include others in the Zoom call that aren’t participating. “Mary, what’s your take on this?”

  10. Keep up to date on industry trends.

  11. Accept a person’s right to say no.

  12. Show that you’re listening by actually listening. Summarize what you heard. “Bob, can I summarize what I heard?” People don’t buy because they understand you; they buy because you understand them.

  13. Don’t forget your sense of humor.

  14. Be curious about what interests other people.

  15. Don’t make conversations feel like interrogations. Balance receiving with giving information.