If you’re selling something this is going to be a tough pill.

People are afraid of you.

They’re afraid you’re going to convince, manipulate and pester them into making a decision that's already been decided by you.

Traditional selling is rooted in control. It’s about controlling next steps to push people through a funnel so you can get a sale fast. 

The problem? 

Whenever people feel like they’re being controlled, they enter the Zone of Resistance (ZOR).  The ZOR is a mask that protects people from sellers with commision breath. 

Nobody likes being controlled. 

I’ll prove it to you. When was the last time you changed your mind because someone told you to?

And yet people love to buy:

More than 7,300 people have purchased my Badass B2B Growth Guide. Brown boxes are delivered to doorsteps every day. Over 75,000 companies, across every industry imaginable, in 166 countries, use Basecamp for project management.

All without anyone convincing anybody of anything. 

I wrote this book to show you how to sell without pushing, convincing, or begging. 

To detach. To create invitations, not ultimatums. To illuminate the cost of doing nothing.  To surrender control. To enable people to make decisions for themselves, and do so in their own time.

In other words, you’ll learn how to build trust.  Why does trust matter?

No matter what you sell, it’s likely people could buy something similar somewhere else. When you stop trying to control people and give them autonomy you build trust. 

Trust is why people choose you instead of someone else.  The hard sell is getting harder to sell.  Let’s get to it.