Most salespeople are focused on the get.

Get a meeting.
Get a sale.
Get a referral.
Get a reply. 
Get around a gatekeeper.
Get to a decision maker.
Get someone to change their mind. 

It’s about the withdrawal. 
The take. 

Prospects can feel taking energy. 
So can you. 
So can everyone. 

Taking never felt good on my soul. 

What’s felt better in my soul is to have a giver mindset. 

To make a deposit. 
To detach from the outcome. 

Giving without expecting anything in return emits a completely different energy. 

How do you emit a giving energy? 

Every time I have a conversation with a prospect I secretly repeat my mantra:

“It's not my job to get what I want. My job is to illuminate a potential problem. Some people will be interested in talking further. Others won't. My role is to be humbly curious and listen without having expectations.”

Why does this matter?

When you're a taker, people enter the Zone of Resistance (ZOR) because they can smell your commission breath. 

The ZOR is a shield against self-serving takers.

When you give, prospects are more likely to lower their shield because they don't feel the take.