Here are my 18 sales principles: 

  1. Prospects aren't against you; they are for themselves.

  2. Failure teaches you as much as success.

  3. Work where you're celebrated, not tolerated.

  4. If prospects aren't interested, it means that you message isn’t interesting.

  5. People don't resist change; they resist being changed.

  6. It’s not your job to talk people buying.

  7. People don't buy because they understand you; they buy because you understand them.

  8. Convincing is the lowest form of persuasion. To get and keep attention, shine a light on a meaningfully different idea related to a big expensive problem people don't know about.

  9. Consistency beats intensity.

  10. People are more persuaded by what they hear themselves say, not what you say.

  11. Detach from the outcome. The less you care about making the sale the more sales you make.

  12. Don't lie by omission. Be the arbiter of unbiased information. Tell the whole story, not part of the story.

  13. Don't fight resistance. Join the resistance. Trying to change minds is a net negative every time.

  14. Be patient. Nobody has it figured out; everyone is under construction. You’re making progress even if it doesn’t feel that way.

  15. If you can’t leave your job, you don’t have a job. The job has you.

  16. Tune out what you don’t control. Tune in what you do. 

  17. In a world of similar products, trust is why people choose you over someone else. 

  18. Don’t interrupt people. Wait two beats after the other person is done talking before you talk. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi.