Whenever George rings my doorbell, he wants something.

"Josh, could you help me move a dresser?"

"Josh, can I borrow your drill?"

"Josh, my computer keeps freezing, can you take a look?"

Lately, when George rings the doorbell, I pretend I'm not home.

That's because George is overdrawn.

He's made too many withdrawals.

It’s the same with cold emails.

“We do X. Would it make sense to talk?”

“Do you have 15 minutes?”

“Any thoughts?”




When you're overdrawn, prospects duck and dodge you.

Instead of making a withdrawal, make four deposits first.

A deposit is useful information that helps your prospect do their job better. (Not a case study).

Here are a few examples of deposits:

Email 1“Lisa, here's a link to a fun slideshow called, 'What Zelda can Teach You About Writing Effective Cold Emails.'"

Email 2“Lisa, I saw you’re scaling your team. Here’s a link to an SDR calculator that helps you determine the right quota to set for each SDR based on your desired return.”

Email 3“Lisa, I analyzed 937 cold calls that booked meetings. Here’s a slideshow on what each of those calls has in common.”

No call to action. Just your name.

You'll start more way more conversations when you come from a place of giving, than you ever will by coming from a place of taking.

This book is an example of making a deposit. It's free. One day you might head over to and buy something. Or not. It's okay either way.

Are you overdrawn?