A prospect says: 

“I need to discuss this with my boss.”

Resistance (what I call objections) carries one of two meanings:

It’s true. The prospect needs to have a conversation with their boss. It’s not true. The prospect wants to end the conversation and avoid hurting your feelings.  

The problem?

You can waste a lot of time chasing deals that won’t close.

So what you need is an approach to unlock more truth. 


Shift from overcoming resistance to understanding it.

Understanding sounds like this:

“I need to discuss this with my boss.”

  1. Validate “That’s not a problem. You want to get her input before moving forward.” (Pause.)

Can I ask you a few questions? 

  1. Check pulse.  “How do you feel about it?”

  2. Understand.  “You know your boss, if I’m not overstepping, how do you think she’ll feel about it?”

  3. Surface potential objections  “What do you think her biggest concern will be?”

There is no script for understanding. It’s less about what you say and more about being curious and listening without having an agenda.  

Knowing how to unlock more truth is a good skill to master.