Many moons ago, I was a salesperson for a digital agency in Chicago (Jellyvision).

The first time I spoke with someone at GEICO, they said:

“We don’t work with external agencies.”

So, I contacted a few other people.

Nobody was ready.

But I stayed top of mind.

From time to time, I sent ideas and articles aimed at helping them complete more online auto quotes.

One day, Jess, a senior exec, said he was meeting with Warren Buffett and wanted to pitch him our idea. He asked for help putting the deck together. I said yes. 

You know how the story ends.

GEICO became a customer.

The lesson?

Staying top of mind is a valuable skill to learn and master.


People buy on their timeline, not yours.

Fruit doesn’t grow faster because it’s the end of the quarter. 

Most people don’t fail at selling, they’re just not patient enough. 

Don’t ghost prospects.

“How do you draw the line between staying top of mind and being annoying?”

“What you’re sending matters. Do you find my posts or this book annoying?

You’re in my top of mind sequence right now. You’re reading my book. I’m selling every day, but it feels like I’m teaching you about topics you care about.

You might get to the last page, see my products and buy something. Or not. It’s fine either way.

I don’t focus on what I don’t control. I don’t chase, convince or beg.

If you don’t like my posts or this book, you can unfollow or block me.

I’m for some peopel but I’m not for everyone.”